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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Get a haircut!

My hair is really long and I've had enough! So, it's time for something new. I am going to take in this picture of Nicole Richie but ask for it to be just a little longer. Give me your opinions please! Would this style look good? Should I try something else? Should I leave my hair alone? I want to know!


Lindsey said...

sure it'll look good. I don't know about the weird non-part mess she's got going on up on the top and I'd add some more layers but I think it's good. yay for new hair!

Jen said...

Yeah, I'd part it. I want to try bangs and a shorter length.

Erica said...

I think it'll look way cute! I also need to get a haircut - so far, I have no idea what to do. Maybe after you get yours done you can help me with mine!

Jen said...

I made an appointment for this Thursday afternoon! We'll see how it goes. I'll post before and after pictures and of course I'll tweet the whole process!